Wednesday, December 23, 2015

All planets direct

The Christmas of 2015 was a special one. The calligraphy on the invitations was May's inimitably quick hand. Her pen still obeyed. The ink was a rusty brown with gold leaf rubbed into a flow of spirals a maze, or a labyrinth? Both, or neither it was to speak of journeys and to name them and hold them fast is like holding a proper name in place. Is that Kaitlin with a K, or Caitlin with a C. People never agreed on it so, as with many of us we stood our ground with feet firmly planted like the K. But. On occasion and by transits as the heavenly bodies proceeded we might rock on my heels willing to appear as mutable as Uranus.

"All planets direct! And, the first full moon for more than forty years. You are invited to a gala celebration and occasion of jolly. As we toast Larkin's journey across the Green Planet, come prepared to be costumed and dressed for a night and weekend of merriment. Come for a party in the city!"  

A small insert of onionskin explained ... 

A carriage will pick you up at the usual ferry-riding lot at 10 AM, Friday, December 25, 2015. The driver has instructions and ferry fare for all.There will be plenty of room for your duffles or parcels. The Capital Street Apartments have been cleaned and dusted with magic in anticipation of your arrival. Please say you'll come, and stay the week-end.

The calligraphy went on ...

No need to RSVP. I will know you will come, and plan for it with all my heart.

Much Love,

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